Product Management

Product Updates - July 2022

Swathika Mahalakshmi

Lead Product Marketer

Swathika Mahalakshmi

Created on:

January 11, 2024

Updated on:

September 16, 2022

Product Updates - July 2022

We built keeping in mind exactly what a Product Manager would require to launch great products. Our user interface, features, and the platform as a whole keep evolving to cater to your needs better. What makes us even happier is that most of our feature improvements happened because of genuine feedback from our customers.

In this blog, we are super excited to share two new updates from the month of July that will make your work a whole lot easier as a Product Manager. Let’s take a look at what’s new:

Share release notes more seamlessly now

Every feature update you do in the product is important. Let your customers and cross-functional teams know what products, features, and improvements your team has been working on by precisely publishing a Release note of the same, during the time of your launch.

While Release Notes have been in for quite some time, here is what’s new?

We have revamped the entire look of Release notes, bringing a bunch of new significant functionalities. This new version gives you a very smooth usability while it carries the following enhancements. 

1. Release Notes templates

Keep your release notes simple, including just the essential information around your changes—What, why, when, and how. has introduced four different templates you can choose from for sharing your release notes. You can edit the text in template to brief about your changes.

Release Notes Templates

2. Category, tags, authors and more

- Your release note can be introducing a new feature, improving an existing feature or fixing a bug. Let your customer know exactly what the update is by displaying the relevant category and the date the update was made in the product. 

- Map your release note to relevant tags. This helps you search for the desired release note in future.

- Let your team and customers know the real people behind the effort by tagging the respective product managers/owners as authors. The tagged authors can also collaborate on the release note to make it better for their customers.

Category, tags, authors in release notes

3. Choose your channels and audience

- Sharing your release note with your customers and stakeholders is as important as the update in itself. now lets you publish your release notes on all the ideal platforms, your team and customers hang out on, such as Slack, emails, customers portal and widgets.

Category, tags, authors in release notes

- Be it your workspace members or customers, you will have the control to choose who should access the release note.

Product update: audience segmentation feature added

4. Preview and publish

Make sure you and the collaborators are happy with the release note before publishing it by having a quick preview of it.

Preview and publish release note feature added

Would you like to create release notes for the upcoming launch in your workspace? You can read our step-by-step user guide here.

A whole new approach with features module

The features module is now accessible in just one click and with the new improvements in place, working with your feature requests is a breeze. You can define all your feature requests at a workspace level and each feature can function independently.

1. Create your own view

Filter the features the way you want based on their status, priority, assignee, etc and save those features as a custom view for future reference. What’s more? You can have these custom views private to yourself or keep it open to your workspace members.

2. Group by preference

Take better decisions by helping yourself display features by groups—by assignee, products they are mapped to, priority, etc. For example, you can group features by their priority level and those under high priority need to be tracked for their completion status.

Product update: Group by preference feature added

3. Define dependencies and sub features

- When a feature’s planning involves information or ideas from another feature, you can perhaps map that as a dependent feature here. This will keep the respective product managers working on the dependent features informed upfront.

- If feature A demands its functionalities to be tied up tightly with your feature B, you can create feature A as a sub feature of feature B.

4. Link feedback and modules

You can keep track of the feature development and the relevant details by consuming them in a more structured way.

Attach feedback: A feedback icon comes handy with every feature’s detailed view and you can access it instantly to learn what all feedback have been aligned to this particular feature.

Link modules: You can make stakeholder collaboration easy by linking important files such as your stats, design and analytics, etc. This helps all your peers access everything they want with regard to the feature.

Product update: Link feedback and modules feature added

5. Collaborate seamlessly between product and tech teams [ X Jira]

Your product and tech teams have absolutely nothing to worry about with the tight integration that provides with Jira. You can collaborate with the engineering team by importing projects from Jira to workspace, sending features from to Jira, and having data auto-synced between the two platforms.

Product update: X Jira feature added

Would you like to explore the Features module in your workspace? You can read our step-by-step user guide here.

Try out these new updates!

We hope you liked our updates today. If you have any comments or feedback, feel free to share them here. Don’t forget to watch this space for more interesting product management tips and tricks that will help you build impactful products.

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