Sick of Productboard's manual feedback processing?

Switch to for a faster, automated analsyis

Why Zeda wins 🏆 as a Productboard alternative

Auto-analyze customer voice

No more overwhelming product managers with 1000s of feedback to manually sort through.

Close the loop 10x faster

Planning is great, but shipping release notes to keep users updated is where the magic happens.

Smart pricing for every stage

Don’t overpay for basics. Zeda’s got plans for everyone, from startups to enterprises - with access to all features.

Productboard vs Zeda: The Breakdown


Feedback capture

✅ Native tools like widgets, portals, forms and 5k+ integrations with Intercom, Slack, Hubspot, Gong, & more

❌ No in-app widget or HubSpot integration for feedback collection

Insights & product areas

✅ Dynamic insights dashboard with specific attention on key product areas

❌ Basic topic-based highlights

Insight summaries

✅ Automated and more evidence-backed with video clips & original feedback pieces

❌ Not evidence-backed

Custom VoC reports

✅ Create customized reports with filters to address multiple hypotheses

❌ Not available

AI search

✅ Robust AI-powered search functionality to validate product insights

❌  Limited functionality

Insights taxonomy

✅ Customizable for you to align product areas with your product categories

❌  Limited functionality

Customizable roadmaps

✅ In-depth customisation available for grouping and visibility

❌ Basic customisations available

Jira sync

✅ Set up automatic sync to seamlessly manage all your Jira tickets

❌ Less powerful

AI release notes

✅ Ready-to-use templates, easy multi-channel publishing & custom branding

❌ No dedicated feature


Transparent pricing for all starting @ $499 per month for all users + access to all features

Starts @ $200+ per product manager per month + access to limited features only

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Productboard reviews that say a lot
Productboard reviews that say a lot