Product Management

The Top Use Cases of AI for Product Managers (PMs)

Created on:

October 3, 2024

Updated on:

October 3, 2024

10 mins read

The Top Use Cases of AI for Product Managers (PMs)

by Aakash Gupta, Former VP of Product and PM for 15 years, now author of Product Growth

💡 Is AI going to take your job? How should you be using AI as a PM? We cover everything you need to know about AI as it relates to the craft of Product Management.

Is your PM toolkit feeling a bit... outdated?

Are you watching what’s happening in AI and wondering, "How the heck do I leverage this without getting lost in the hype?"

Well, buckle up. Today, we're diving deep into the AI use cases that are transforming product management faster than you can say "prioritization framework."

And trust me, this isn't just another "10 ways to use ChatGPT" listicle.

We're going to get into the nitty-gritty of how AI is reshaping our field and what you need to do to stay ahead of the curve.

What to Expect

In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover:

  1. Why AI isn't just another tech fad (and why you can't afford to ignore it)
  2. 5 game-changing AI use cases for PMs (with actionable tips you can implement today)
  3. Common pitfalls to avoid when integrating AI into your workflow
  4. A glimpse into the future of AI-powered product management
  5. How to start your AI PM journey (even if you're a complete beginner)

Ready to level up your PM game?

Let's dive in!

1. AI is Not Just Another Tech Fad in PM

Alright, let's address the elephant in the room.

We've all seen tech trends come and go faster than feature requests in a stakeholder meeting.

So - should you care about AI?

Here's the deal: AI isn't just another shiny object.

It's a fundamental shift in how we approach the craft.

Don't believe me?

Here’s some stats:

  • AI has grown to 20% of the open jobs in the tech sector
  • The median AI PM earns more than the 90th percentile regular PM
  • The amount of AI PM jobs

But what does this mean for you as a PM? Simple: the ability to leverage AI is quickly becoming a must-have skill, not a nice-to-have.

Think about it this way: Remember when knowing SQL was a "nice-to-have" for PMs? Now it's practically table stakes. AI is following the same trajectory, but at warp speed.

AI tools like ChatGPT are revolutionizing how we approach our day-to-day tasks. But it's not just about writing better emails or generating quick summaries. AI is transforming the very core of product management.

2. 5 Game-Changing AI Use Cases for PMs

Alright, let's get into the meat of it.

Here are five ways you can use AI to supercharge your PM superpowers:

Use Case 1 - Product Research

Remember those all-nighters you pulled trying to make sense of user feedback, market reports, and competitor analysis? Well, AI is about to be your new best friend (sorry, coffee).

AI tools can now sift through mountains of data in minutes, uncovering insights that would take humans days or even weeks to find. But here's the kicker: it's not just about speed. AI can spot patterns and connections that our human brains might miss entirely.

💡✅ Actionable Tip: Use a tool like's AskAI to analyze vast amounts of user feedback instantly. Try this prompt:
"What are the top 5 feature requests from our enterprise customers this quarter? Provide specific examples and quantify the demand."

Here’s a real-world example:

Sarah, a PM at a fintech startup, used AI to analyze 10,000+ customer support tickets in hours, not weeks. The insights led to a feature that reduced churn by 15%.

But here's where it gets really interesting: Sarah didn't just find the top complaints.

The AI uncovered a subtle connection between users who mentioned a specific pain point and those who were most likely to churn.

This insight, which might have been buried in the data for months, led to a targeted retention campaign that saved the company millions.

Use Case 2 - Data for Prioritization

Let's be honest: prioritizing your backlog can feel like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded. There are just so many factors to consider: user impact, business value, development effort, strategic alignment... the list goes on.

This is where AI comes in like a superhero, cape and all. AI-powered prioritization tools can weigh all these factors simultaneously, considering historical data, current trends, and even predictive models of future user behavior.

💡✅ Actionable Tip: Leverage AI-powered prioritization tools.
For instance,'s Impact-First Roadmaps use AI to suggest optimal feature prioritization based on user impact and business value.
Pro tip: Feed your AI tool historical data on past feature performance for even more accurate predictions. Try this prompt:
"Based on our historical data, what features have had the highest impact on user retention? How does this correlate with our current backlog priorities?"

But here's the real magic: AI doesn't just give you a ranked list. It can provide the reasoning behind its recommendations, helping you make more informed decisions and communicate them more effectively to stakeholders.

Use Case 3 - Predictive User Behavior Modeling

Imagine if you could predict, with a high degree of accuracy, how users would interact with a new feature before you even built it. Sounds like PM nirvana, right?

Well, AI is making this dream a reality. By analyzing vast amounts of user data, AI can create detailed models of user behavior, anticipating needs, preferences, and potential pain points.

💡✅ Actionable Tip: Use AI to create detailed user personas and journey maps. Try this prompt:
"Based on our user data, create a predictive model of how a power user will interact with our new collaboration feature. Include potential friction points and moments of delight."

But here's where it gets really powerful: AI can simulate thousands of user interactions in minutes, helping you identify edge cases and potential issues that might take months to surface in real-world usage.

Use Case 4 - Automated Feedback Analysis

We all know the importance of user testing and feedback. But let's face it: analyzing all that data can be a real pain in the... well, you know.

AI is changing the game here too. It can process and analyze user feedback at scale, identifying patterns, sentiment, and even unspoken needs that users might not articulate directly.

💡✅ Actionable Tip: Use a tool like's Voice of Customer to automatically categorize and analyze feedback across channels. Look for emerging trends and sentiment shifts.

Real-world example: Mike, leading product at an e-commerce giant, used AI for A/B test analysis. He uncovered a subtle UX tweak that boosted conversion rates by 7%.

But the story doesn't end there. The AI also identified a segment of users who responded negatively to the change. This allowed Mike to create a personalized experience for different user segments, ultimately leading to a 12% overall increase in conversions.

Use Case 5 - AI-Powered Prototyping

Last but definitely not least, AI is revolutionizing the way we prototype and design products.

Imagine sketching a rough wireframe on a napkin (we've all been there), snapping a photo, and having AI turn it into a high-fidelity, interactive prototype in minutes. Sounds like science fiction? It's already happening.

💡✅ Actionable Tip: Use AI-powered design tools to quickly generate UI variations based on your requirements. Use these as a starting point for your design team to refine.
But here's the really cool part: AI can do more than just prettify your sketches. It can apply UX best practices, ensure accessibility standards are met, and even suggest improvements based on user behavior data.

3. Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Integrating AI

Now, before you go all-in on AI, let's talk about four common pitfalls.

Because like any powerful tool, AI can be a double-edged sword if not used carefully.

Pitfall 1 - Overreliance on AI

Remember, AI is a tool, not a replacement for human judgment.

It's here to augment your skills, not replace them.

Always apply your PM instincts and experience to AI-generated insights.

Pitfall 2 - Neglecting the Human Touch

While AI can crunch numbers and spot patterns, it can't replace empathy, creativity, and human intuition.

Use AI to handle the heavy lifting, but don't forget the importance of human-to-human interaction in product development.

Pitfall 3 - Failing to Upskill

The AI landscape is evolving at breakneck speed.

What's cutting-edge today might be obsolete tomorrow.

Make continuous learning a priority.

Pitfall 4 - Not Communicating AI's Role

Be transparent with your team and stakeholders about how you're using AI.

Build trust by explaining its capabilities and limitations.

Remember, AI should empower your team, not intimidate them.

4. The Future of AI in Product Management

Alright, time to put on our futurist hats. What does the future hold for AI in product management?

I ask this question of most of the experts I have on my podcast. Here’s what I’ve crowd-sourced as the 4 most important trends:

Trend 1 - Hyper-Personalization at Scale

AI will enable products to adapt in real-time to individual user needs and contexts.

Imagine a product that literally reshapes its interface based on each user's behavior and preferences.

Trend 2 - Predictive Product Development

AI will help PMs anticipate market needs and user desires before they're even expressed.

We're talking minority report level stuff here, folks.

Trend 3- AI-Human Collaboration

The most successful products will seamlessly blend AI capabilities with human expertise.

Think of AI as your always-on, incredibly knowledgeable teammate.

Trend 4 - Continuous Learning and Adaptation

AI models will continuously learn and improve, requiring PMs to stay agile and adapt their strategies.

The days of "set it and forget it" are over.

Welcome to the era of constant evolution.

5. How to Start Your AI PM Journey (Even If You're a Complete Beginner)

Feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry, it’s normal.

Here's 7 steps to get you started:

Step 1 - Start with the Basics

Familiarize yourself with AI concepts.

You don't need to become a data scientist, but understanding the fundamentals will help you communicate with AI teams and make informed decisions.

Step 2 - Experiment with AI Tools

Start small.

Try using AI for simple tasks like summarizing user feedback or generating product descriptions.

Get a feel for its capabilities and limitations.

Step 3 - Identify AI Opportunities in Your Workflow

Look for repetitive, time-consuming tasks in your current workflow.

These are prime candidates for AI automation.

Step 4 - Learn from AI-Native Companies

Study how AI-first companies like Netflix, Spotify, or Stitch Fix use AI in their product development process.

What can you adapt for your own work?

Step 5 - Stay Updated

Follow AI thought leaders, attend webinars, and yes, subscribe to newsletters like ours to stay on top of the latest AI developments in product management.

Step 6 - Build an AI-Friendly Culture

Encourage your team to explore AI tools.

Foster an environment of experimentation and learning.

Step 7 - Start an AI Project

Propose an AI-driven initiative in your organization.

It could be as simple as using AI for user segmentation or as complex as implementing AI-powered personalization.

The goal isn't to become an AI expert overnight.

It's about gradually integrating AI into your PM toolkit, one step at a time.

Your AI-Powered PM Journey Starts Now

Phew! We've covered a lot of ground today.

From supercharged market analysis to AI-powered prototyping, we've explored how AI is reshaping every aspect of product management.

The question isn't whether AI will transform our field - it already has.


The real question is: Will you ride the AI wave to PM stardom, or watch from the sidelines as others zoom past?


Remember, you don't need to overhaul your entire process overnight.

Start small, experiment, and gradually expand as you see results.

The key is to begin your AI journey now.

What's your take on AI in product management?

Have you had any wins (or challenges) with AI tools?

I would love to hear from you.

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