
Identifying and Solving Customer Pain Points with AI

Athira V S

Content Writer

Athira V S

Created on:

August 12, 2024

Updated on:

August 9, 2024

15 mins read

Identifying and Solving Customer Pain Points with AI

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Without a deep understanding of their pain points and a commitment to addressing them, no business can truly thrive. To make a real impact, you must dive deep and explore various methodologies to uncover the root causes of their challenges. By doing so, you can not only alleviate their known issues but also anticipate and resolve problems they might not even be aware of yet.

In this article, we’ll explore what customer pain points are, and different types of customer pain points and examples to illustrate them. We’ll also discuss how the latest advancements in AI can elevate your understanding of customers to new heights. So, let’s dive in!

What are customer pain points?

Customer pain points are the specific problems or obstacles that customers—or those considering your product—encounter. These are the very issues your product or service should be solving. Think of pain points as the friction in your customers' journey that needs smoothing out.

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, let’s explore a list of pain points that businesses frequently face and how they impact the customer experience.

Types of Customer Pain Points with Examples

Types of customer pain points

Product Issues

This is one of the most critical pain points. When your product promises certain benefits but falls short of delivering them, it can lead to significant frustration—resulting in functional pain points.

One example of this pain point: imagine a customer who has been using your product for some time and understands the basics. However, they struggle to fully grasp the value it provides due to a steep learning curve. This can result in a poor customer experience and may lead them to seek alternatives that offer more intuitive features.

Pricing and Value

Pricing pain points arise when customers feel that the value they receive doesn’t justify the cost. If users perceive your product as overpriced or encounter unexpected fees, it can drive them away. If this is an issue for your business, it’s crucial to reevaluate your pricing strategy. Engage with your users to validate whether they see the value in the price you’re asking and adjust accordingly.

Clear and upfront communication about pricing, including any additional fees, can help manage expectations and build trust.

Customer Support

Customer support plays a pivotal role in your product’s success—it can make or break your business. Positive word-of-mouth can boost your reputation, but negative feedback can cause significant harm. It’s essential that your customers feel valued and heard.

For instance, imagine a customer encountering a technical issue that prevents them from using a key feature of your product. They contact your support team only to experience long wait times, unhelpful responses, or a lack of follow-up. 

Despite multiple attempts to resolve the issue, they feel they need to be more valued. This poor support experience can not only drive them away from your product but also lead to negative reviews and loss of trust in your brand.

Process-Related Issues

Process-related pain points occur when there is friction or inefficiency in the customer’s journey with your product.

For instance, if a customer signs up for your product but then gets stuck because the next steps are unclear, this indicates a poorly defined user journey. This lack of guidance can lead customers to disengage and abandon your product midway through their experience. A clear onboarding process can make the whole process seamless and also can leave a good impression about your product. 

How to Identify Customer Pain Points

Collect Customer Feedback from Different Sources

While gathering customer feedback might seem straightforward, it’s important to remember that customers don’t always fully understand or articulate their pain points. They may not even realize how addressing these issues could significantly improve their experience.

To uncover these deeper insights, encourage customers to share their thoughts comprehensively. Consider getting on calls with selected customers to explore their core pain points and address them effectively.

It’s crucial to leverage multiple channels to gather diverse perspectives from your customers. Here are some effective methods:

Channels to capture voice of the customer
  • Customer Feedback: Use surveys, interviews, and reviews to gather valuable insights directly from your users.
  • Social Media Listening: Monitor social platforms to identify customer complaints and discussions about your product or service.
  • Customer Support Analysis: Analyze support tickets to spot recurring issues and trends.
  • Competitor Analysis: Study where competitors fall short and identify opportunities to better serve your customers.
  • User Testing: Observe customers using your product to uncover usability issues and areas for improvement.

Leverage the Power of Customer Support Teams

Your customer support team is often on the front lines, engaging with customers more frequently and independently than any other team. Their conversations are rich with insights into customer pain points and challenges. Tap into this resource to gain a deeper understanding of your customers. can be particularly useful here. Customer support teams can upload call transcripts and videos directly into the platform, allowing product teams to validate ideas and prioritize customer pain points. This approach ensures that even in cases of high call volumes or when more context is needed, you have a clear view of the most pressing issues.

Customer Feedback Analysis

Once you’ve gathered feedback from various sources, the next step is to analyze this continuous stream of data to draw actionable conclusions. Here’s what you should focus on:

  • Pinpoint Key Issues: Identify the primary complaints or concerns raised by customers.
  • Spot Trending Pain Points: Determine which issues are gaining traction and need immediate attention.
  • Categorize the Issues: Understand whether a problem is specific to one customer, an industry-wide issue, or a one-off situation.
  • Analyze Churn Reasons: Investigate why customers are leaving and how you can address these issues to reduce churn. simplifies the process of customer feedback analysis for you. The platform centralizes feedback from multiple sources, using AI to generate actionable insights. It helps you understand customer sentiments, trending topics, key product areas to focus on, reasons for churn, and more. With, you can effortlessly identify and address customer pain points, making informed decisions that truly benefit your users.

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How to Address Customer Pain Points

Maintain a Regular Dialogue with Your Users

Consistent communication with your users, whether direct or indirect, is crucial. Ensure that your customers know you’re listening to their concerns and making necessary optimizations to the product. This not only helps in improving the product but also makes customers feel valued and heard.

Make it easy for customers to share their opinions by providing accessible channels such as customer portals, in-app feedback widgets, or other tools where they can freely express their pain points.

Understand More Than What Customers Actually Say

It’s important to remember that customers might not always know the root cause of their pain points, or worse, they may not even realize there’s an issue. Your role is to listen deeply and let them fully express their thoughts—especially during calls. Avoid interrupting them as they share their experiences. Your job is to decipher more than what they explicitly say and delve into the underlying issues. Understanding the root cause is essential for crafting a solution that truly addresses their needs.

Decide What to Prioritize

As your company grows, you’ll likely encounter a wide range of customer pain points, and it may not be feasible to address all of them immediately. Prioritization becomes key.

Evaluate which customer segments are requesting specific updates and prioritize those that align with your business goals, such as improving customer satisfaction, boosting adoption, or enhancing acquisition. Most importantly, address issues that impact your product's core functionality, as these can have the most significant effect on overall user experience.

Develop Solutions

Once you have a clear understanding of what’s troubling your users, it’s time to explore solutions that effectively address their pain points.

After identifying a potential solution, test it to ensure it aligns with your expectations and meets user needs. Collect feedback from users on the proposed solution and iterate based on their input. This ensures that the final implementation resonates with your audience and truly resolves their pain points.

Get Back to Them

Follow up with your users to deepen your understanding of their needs. While collecting their feedback is important, it’s equally crucial to communicate how you’ve acted on their input.

Inform them about the steps you’ve taken to address their pain points, which strengthens their trust in your business. Use various channels, such as release notes, personalized emails, and customer-facing product roadmaps, to keep them informed and engaged.

How AI Helps in Identifying and Solving Customer Pain Points

In today’s AI-driven world, leveraging the latest technology is crucial to staying ahead. AI has revolutionized various fields, from product management to sales, by taking over many manual, time-consuming tasks. When it comes to understanding customer pain points, AI can significantly streamline the process by automating feedback capture, analysis, and identifying key customer issues, such as recurring problems and reasons for churn.

Let’s explore how the AI-powered product management tool can enhance your journey in understanding and addressing customer pain points.

Listening to Your Users from the Start

At the beginning of your product journey, it’s essential to listen carefully to your users—whether they are existing customers or potential ones. Their feedback on your new product or feature might be vastly different from your expectations. However, as your customer base grows, gathering and processing this feedback can become overwhelming, especially when it’s coming from multiple channels. This is where’s Insights Hub comes into play.

Introducing the Insights Hub

The Insights Hub in is designed to help you integrate with various feedback channels, consolidating feedback from every corner and turning it into valuable insights using AI. Our customers have found this feature to be a game-changer, and here’s why:

  • Actionable Insights: The Insights Hub in transforms what would typically be hours of manual analysis into immediate, actionable insights. AI-driven categorization of feedback reveals key areas such as customer sentiments, reasons for churn, critical product areas that need attention, trending feedback, and more. This allows you to swiftly identify and address core customer issues. Additionally, you can apply sentiment and intent filters to delve deeper, uncovering what customers truly feel about your product or specific features.
  • Evidence-Backed Insights: makes it effortless to extract meaningful insights from support tickets, customer call transcripts, and video recordings. You can even link relevant customer video clips and feedback directly to each insight, reinforcing the significance of the data and ensuring that every insight is backed by real evidence. This approach not only validates your findings but also adds depth to your understanding of customer pain points.
  • Seamless Feature Integration: enables you to convert pressing customer pain points directly into feature ideas with just a click. These feature ideas can then be further brainstormed and refined and can be added to your product roadmap. Also, you can keep customers informed through updates shared via customer-facing roadmaps and release notes, complete with customized, AI-generated content.
  • Custom Insights Reports: If you’re focused on making data-driven decisions, allows you to create custom insights reports. These reports give you real-time access to pressing pain points with specific filters, helping you keep a constant eye on what matters most to your customers.

The bottom line is that with, you can easily identify your customer pain points, address them effectively, and foster a customer-centric product development journey. Experience the difference for yourself—start using to turn customer pain points into opportunities for growth.


Understanding and addressing customer pain points is at the heart of creating a product that not only meets but exceeds user expectations. By identifying these pain points—whether they stem from product issues, pricing concerns, or process-related challenges—you can develop targeted solutions that enhance the overall customer experience. Regular dialogue with your users, a deep understanding of their unspoken needs, and a strategic approach to prioritizing and solving issues are essential components of this process.

These days, AI has become a powerful ally in this endeavor. Tools like enable you to streamline the identification and resolution of customer pain points, turning what might seem like insurmountable challenges into opportunities for growth. By leveraging AI to gather insights, analyze feedback, and integrate solutions seamlessly into your product roadmap, you can foster a more customer-centric approach to product development.

Ultimately, the key to success lies in continuously listening to your customers, iterating on their feedback, and ensuring they feel valued and heard. As you implement these strategies and tools, you’ll not only resolve current pain points but also anticipate future needs, driving long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty. In the end, it’s all about building a product that truly resonates with your users and sets the stage for sustained success.

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What is an example of a pain point?

A pain point is a specific problem or frustration a customer experiences with a product or service. For example, if a software tool is difficult to navigate, causing users to spend extra time completing tasks, the poor user experience is a pain point. Addressing such issues is crucial for improving customer satisfaction and retention.

What are the 4 types of customer pains?

The four types of customer pain points are as follows:Functional: Issues with the product or service not meeting customer needs. Financial: Concerns about cost or perceived value. Process-Related: Frustrations with the interaction process, like complex sign-ups. Support: Problems with customer support, such as long response times or unhelpful assistance.

How to find pain points?

To find customer pain points, gather feedback through surveys, interviews, and reviews. Monitor social media and analyze support tickets for recurring issues. Engage directly with customers and your support team to uncover deeper insights. Use tools like AI-driven analysis platforms to categorize and prioritize the most pressing pain points, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your customers' challenges.

What causes pain points?

Pain points arise from unmet customer needs, such as product shortcomings, high costs, poor user experiences, or inadequate support. They can also be caused by misaligned expectations, complex processes, or gaps in communication. Addressing these issues by improving product functionality, simplifying processes, and enhancing customer support helps alleviate these pain points and improve overall satisfaction.

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