Product Management

Productboard vs Which is better?

Riya Handique

Product Marketer

Riya Handique

Created on:

August 12, 2024

Updated on:

August 8, 2024

5 mins read

Productboard vs Which is better?

Product insights from customer feedback are the heart and soul of product roadmaps. But even today, existing tools and processes can’t uncover crucial insights at scale to build a customer-driven product roadmap.

If you are someone who is looking at potential options for the same, you might have narrowed down your search to Productboard vs Both offer impressive solutions but what about key capabilities like feedback-capture at source, evidence-backed insights, customizations and automations?

Most importantly, which tool offers ease of use and more value in terms of pricing?

Claim your free POC to try it out.

Productboard vs Key value at a glance

While Productboard is a great tool that helps with planning & strategizing your product-build, it falls short when it comes to creating product roadmaps driven by the true voice of the customer.

On the other hand, brings product teams closer to their users by centralizing customer voice, aligning with their intent & emotions, and prioritizing revenue impact in every single product plan.

Here’s a quick glance at the top 10 reasons to summarize the Productboard vs Zeda comparison. Productboard

Feedback capture

✅ Native tools like widgets, portals, forms and 5k+ integrations with Intercom, Slack, Hubspot, Gong, & more ❌ No in-app widget or HubSpot integration for feedback collection

Insights & product areas

✅ Dynamic insights dashboard with specific attention to key product areas ❌ Basic topic-based highlights in feedback that require manual processing.

Insight summaries

✅ Automated + More evidence-backed with video clips & original feedback pieces ❌ Not evidence-backed and not automated

Custom VoC reports

✅ Create customized reports with filters to address multiple hypotheses ❌ Not available

AI search

✅ Robust AI-powered search functionality to validate product insights ❌ Limited functionality

Insights taxonomy

✅ Customizable by the user such that product areas align with their product categories ❌ Limited functionality

Customizable roadmaps

✅ In-depth customization available for grouping and visibility ❌ Basic customizations available

Customer portal

✅ Two-way communication that allows your customers to request features/suggest ideas based on which you take an action. ❌ One-way communication with roadmap view where customers can simply vote and comment.

Jira sync

✅ Setup automatic sync to seamlessly manage all your Jira tickets ❌ Less powerful

AI release notes

✅ Ready-to-use templates, easy multi-channel publishing & custom branding ❌ No dedicated feature


Transparent pricing for all starting @ $499 per month for all users + access to all features Starts @ $200+ per product manager per month + access to limited features only

“By empowering all stakeholders to raise their voice in a platform that allows us to easily translate that voice into actions and align those actions with our product strategy, has become a crucial tool in our product management toolbox.”

- Chase Ferguson, Product Manager at SureCost

Productboard vs Integrations

Productboard integrations are robust and powerful for product roadmapping & strategy. You can push prioritized features from Productboard straight into your dev tools to keep your product strategy and dev teams aligned. But is roadmapping enough for building the right product?

Zeda has a range of 5000+ integrations that are focused on end-to-end product discovery & planning, from feedback-capture to feature workflows to customer data management - so you can capture and turn raw data like company size, growth stage, revenue potential, & more into actionable product insights. You can connect these integrations in 2-easy clicks, with no coding required.

  • Support: Intercom, Slack, Zendesk, Freshdesk, etc. to auto-capture conversations and customer insights
  • Sales calls: Gong, Avoma, Fireflies, Grain, etc. to extract short clips & insights from transcripts to show evidence.
  • Communication: MS Teams, Slack, Gmail to close the loop when you publish release notes (a feature that’s not available in Productboard).
  • Dev workflows: Jira, Azure DevOps, Linear which are super powerful for syncing workflow updates automatically.

Productboard vs Customer Insights

At Zeda, the AI-powered insights are action & revenue-driven, so you have to worry less about what to build next that impacts real business value. It automates most of the grunt work that product managers need to do in terms of analyzing and reporting product insights.

  1. Compared to Productboard, Zeda’s insights are more detailed and evidence-backed, with scoops on sentiment & intent overview of customer feedback, video clips from customer interactions and feedback pieces that highlight certain keywords.
  2. Moreover, you can create your own custom reports on product insights to solve your own problem statements. With filters such as feedback type, customer segments, intent, etc., Zeda allows product managers to customize their research reports on the go. Productboard does not have any dedicated feature for this.

An additional use-case that we are rolling out soon is ZedaAI Search that lets you dive into your hypotheses and generates actionable insights to take the next action.

Productboard vs Pricing

On Productboard, if you are on their enterprise plan — the pricing will be around $200 per product manager per month in your team. Assume that you have a team of 10-15 PMs, then you will be paying $25k-30k per month for using Productboard features.

At Zeda, the pricing is transparent and starts at $499 per month for everyone on your team, with access to all our feature modules. If you are comparing Productboard vs on pricing, you are getting more value in terms of centralizing customer voice, generating product insights and planning product roadmaps — for a much lesser cost.

On top of that, you get a 1 month free POC at Zeda with an access to all exclusive features, in order to test it out with your own data.

For more details on pricing, book a quick 20 mins with us and get to know what works better for you.

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Is the Right Productboard Alternative for You?

Well, don’t take our word for it.

If you are looking for a tool that covers your end-to-end product discovery as well as planning, then is the best solution for you. Because it allows you to -

→ Capture and centralize product feedback from multiple sources - on autopilot.

→ Generate actionable product insights that encapsulate customer sentiment, intent along with revenue potential.

→ Create customer-focused product roadmaps that stay flexible and aren't just based on dev workflows.

In short, if your team is growing and need to scale up, you’ll find that you’re going to outgrow Productboard very quickly. Zeda’s plans are way more flexible to accommodate any team size - from small to medium to enterprise.

Essentially, the choice is yours. If you wish to migrate from Productboard immediately, feel free to grab a quick 20-mins with us today.

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