Product Management

Everything You Need to Create a Product Development Roadmap

Content Writer

Athira V S

Created on:

January 11, 2024

Updated on:

December 8, 2023

12 mins read

Everything You Need to Create a Product Development Roadmap

Did you know that, according to a recent survey, 66% of product development projects either fail or go through significant delays? This means that creating a stellar product is no mere feat. The process involves multiple interconnected steps, a harmonious collaboration among teams and the need for constant vigilance over the unfolding plan. 

Enter the tool that guides this expedition — the product development roadmap. 

Seasoned product managers understand that a product development roadmap is the guiding compass for their team. It’s not just a timeline; it’s a strategic plan that lays out the journey from ideation to product delivery. Better yet, it’s a visual representation of the product strategy and the path your team will take to bring it to life.

Read on to understand more about how to create an effective product development roadmap.

What is a product development roadmap?

In simple terms, a product development roadmap is like a game plan for how a product will grow and get better. It is a detailed guide that product owners use to sketch out what features are coming and when they’ll be ready. 

A good product roadmap acts like a translator between short-term tasks and long-term business goals for your development team. However, they’re not just about what’s on the to-do list – they also provide a clear explanation as to why each step needs to be taken before a product is complete. 

Every item featured on a product development roadmap should be connected to your big-picture strategy and goals. What’s more, a good product roadmap is always ready to change course based on what customers are saying and what the competition is up to.

Why do you need a product development roadmap?

Well-made product development roadmaps offer numerous benefits:

  • Team clarity – product roadmaps will align your team by providing a clear vision and direction. This is important because everyone needs to be on the same page regarding the product’s goals and priorities at all times.
  • Effective communicationproduct roadmaps help communicate your product strategy to stakeholders, developers, designers and anyone involved in the product journey – external and internal teams alike (e.g., your marketing and sales team). Simply put, transparency is what fosters better collaboration between multiple teams.
  • Resource optimization – a product roadmap greatly contributes to strategic planning, including the efficient allocation of resources by helping teams prioritize features and tasks based on actual business goals and user needs.
  • Risk mitigation – you can identify potential roadblocks and risks early in the development process by indicating them in your internal roadmap, allowing you to proactively address challenges. Note that an external roadmap should not contain risk mitigation measures.
  • Customer satisfaction – finally, following product roadmap best practices will help you deliver products that meet or even exceed customer expectations by aligning development with customer needs and preferences.

Product development roadmap: Key components

To create a comprehensive product roadmap, you need to understand its key components.

Key Components of Product Development Roadmap
  • THEMES. Themes are like the big-picture goals for your product. You can view them as the broad strokes that everyone can understand easily or even the main chapters in your product story. Your stakeholders should get a feel for what issues you’re tackling and when just by looking at these themes.
  • EPICS. Epics are like the detailed scenes in those chapters. They’re a bunch of stories or features all working together toward a big goal. If your theme is about compliance, for example, epics could be like different chapters dealing with specific federal rules. Each epic is a step closer to the larger mission.
  • STORIES. These are the individual components of your product journey. In the compliance theme, a story might be about upgrading data encryption for customer information. It’s like adding layers to your product roadmap story: the more details you add, each connected to the level above, the clearer it becomes – like the “why” behind every cool thing your product is about.
  • FEATURES. Features are the specific elements or functionalities that contribute to achieving the broader goals outlined in themes, epics or stories. They represent your product’s tangible components or aspects that you’ll develop, enhance or release to meet user needs or business objectives. Simply put, features are the pieces of a puzzle that when combined, create the whole product. 

How to build a product development roadmap

Below are some key steps to consider when building your product development roadmap.

Define your product development goals

Embarking on a product development journey starts by charting a clear course, i.e., defining your product development goals. Your product roadmap communicates these goals.

What is the ultimate purpose of your product? How will it make a difference in the lives of your users? Take the time to articulate the answers to these and similar questions, as they will guide every decision and action throughout the development of the product. 

Whether it’s enhancing user experience, solving a specific problem or introducing specific features, clearly defining your goals is the first step in shaping a product that stands out in the market.

Assign responsibilities

Assigning responsibilities ensures that everyone understands their position and contribution to the product development process. 

This step is not just about who does what. It’s about creating a sense of ownership and accountability. When responsibilities are clearly defined, team members can navigate their tasks with purpose. In turn, this will foster a more collaborative environment. 

Above all, this kind of clarity helps streamline workflows, minimize confusion, and propels the project forward with cohesion.

Organize goals into themes

Organizing goals into themes provides a sense of direction, helping to maintain your team’s focus on broader, strategic objectives. 

Whether it’s improving user experience, optimizing performance or expanding product capabilities, themes provide a high-level structure for your visual product roadmap. 

This structure ensures that, amid the myriad details, your team never loses sight of the bigger picture, creating a roadmap that tells a compelling story of progress and success.

Prioritize your initiatives

Feature prioritization is one of the most intricate aspects of product management. When executed effectively, it becomes a data-driven method to determine the importance and order of features your team should develop based on the value they bring to customers.

Choosing wisely in this intricate process leads to enhanced customer satisfaction and increased value delivery. Conversely, a wrong decision can drain resources with no tangible progress.

That is why effective prioritization is indispensable for product development teams.

Here are two effective prioritization frameworks that can help you construct an effective product roadmap:

RICE Method

The RICE method is a grading system designed to assist in prioritizing concepts within a product roadmap. RICE prompts teams to assess their objectives by considering factors such as available resources, target audience and return on investment.

Within the RICE framework, product teams evaluate feature importance using four criteria:

  • Reach: The number of individuals impacted by the feature within a specified timeframe.
  • Impact: The extent to which the feature influences individual users.
  • Confidence: The company’s confidence level in the feature’s impact and reach.
  • Effort: The time commitment required by the company to implement the feature.

Product managers employ a predetermined method to convert these individual evaluations into an overall score, thus helping to achieve more effective prioritization. simplifies the prioritization process based on the RICE framework. Using, you can input scores for each element in the prioritization framework, and the tool will automatically organize features according to their prioritized status.

Value vs. Effort matrix

Value versus Effort is a prioritization framework where the product team assigns both a value and effort metric to each feature. Effort is measured in the time it takes to implement the feature, while value encompasses the feature’s potential impact on revenue and customer satisfaction.

This prioritization framework can help you understand which features will significantly influence the audience and their cost to the organization. 

When measuring value, consider its alignment with the company’s goals and objectives. A product manager should carefully contemplate the business value by aligning decisions with KPIs and OKRs crucial to the company’s success. 

Customer value also plays a part here, as customers are major stakeholders in product development. You should address their challenges and take feature requests into account.

As for measuring effort, key factors include developer hours, external service expenses and risks associated with external stakeholders. also allows you to use this framework and build a prioritized roadmap in just a few clicks.

Set impact metrics

Impact metrics are your developer team’s guideposts, helping them navigate toward the success of your product. They can be viewed as checkpoints along the way, offering insights into how well your product aligns with your preset goals. 

Metrics can encompass various aspects, such as user engagement, conversion rates and other KPIs. When you define your impact metrics, you create a roadmap not just for the development process but for gauging the real-world impact of your product. can help you monitor your impact metrics by seamlessly gathering data from diverse sources through integrations. With its customizable dashboards, you can effortlessly stay informed about all trends within a matter of minutes.

Monitor and update regularly

Regular monitoring involves consistently tracking progress, updating timelines and remaining agile in response to changing circumstances. 

The product development process is inherently dynamic – you can’t expect to have a static roadmap at all times. So, by regularly revisiting and updating your product roadmap, you maintain an adaptive approach to product development. 

This allows your team to stay ahead of challenges and ensure that your agile product roadmap remains a reliable guide throughout the entire product development journey. 

Create your next product development roadmap with

When it comes to product development, having the right tools to see you through the whole process can make all the difference. That’s where comes in as the ultimate sidekick for product teams looking to create outstanding products. is there to help you with every aspect of the product development journey, from collecting feedback and setting goals to creating the perfect product development roadmap presentation that will guide you to success. Imagine a platform where you can effortlessly gather insights, define objectives and sketch out your product and company vision — all in one place.

Our AI-powered product discovery tools empower product managers to make decisions based on market trends, user behavior and customer preferences. Stay one step ahead of the competition and ensure your products are not just completed but downright excellent.

Moreover, you can say goodbye to the chaos of scattered tools and hello to the zen of streamlined collaboration. is your centralized hub for teamwork, communication and executing your product vision. No more juggling between platforms – brings it all together!

So, are you ready to elevate your product development game? is your invitation to a more efficient, collaborative and successful journey. Supercharge your roadmap, empower all your different teams and create products that not only meet but exceed expectations.


We hope this article has helped you better understand the role of a well-crafted product development roadmap. 

And, with, you get a powerful tool to help you do just that and empower your team to collaborate, communicate and execute your product vision seamlessly.

Ready to supercharge your product development? Create your account and start your free trial now! 

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How do you create a development roadmap?

Creating a development roadmap involves defining goals, assigning responsibilities to the product management team, organizing goals into themes, prioritizing initiatives, setting impact metrics and regularly monitoring and updating the overall plan.

Who builds a product roadmap?

Product managers typically lead the creation of a product roadmap with input from cross-functional teams, including developers, designers and key stakeholders.

What should a product roadmap include?

A product development roadmap template should include themes, epics, stories, product features, timelines and any other relevant information that communicates the product strategy and development plan.

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