Product Management

Creating a Tech Roadmap: Examples and Best Practices

Content Writer

Athira V S

Created on:

July 1, 2024

Updated on:

July 1, 2024

16 mins read

Creating a Tech Roadmap: Examples and Best Practices

As technology continues to evolve rapidly, it has become increasingly crucial for businesses to clearly understand where they stand in terms of technological capabilities and what steps they need to take to stay ahead of the competition.

Creating a technology roadmap is essential for any business that wants to align its technology investments with its overall strategy and vision. A technology roadmap outlines the company's current technology landscape, sets goals for future technology investments, and establishes a clear plan for achieving those goals.

In this article, we will explore the best practices for creating a tech roadmap and provide examples of successful technology roadmaps. We will also discuss the importance of having a technology roadmap and the benefits it can bring to a business, including increased efficiency, enhanced innovation, and improved user experience.

Technology Roadmap Examples

There are numerous companies across various industries that have established and executed successful technology roadmaps. These companies have made strategic technology investments and innovations that have enabled them to gain a competitive advantage in their respective markets. In addition, they have implemented clear, well-defined technology roadmaps that outline their goals, initiatives, and timelines and have ensured that their technology investments are aligned with their overall business strategy. By doing so, these companies have been able to stay ahead of the curve and drive growth and success in their industries.


PagerDuty is a digital operations management platform that enables real-time visibility and response capabilities for IT teams, developers, and business stakeholders. In addition, the company's platform provides end-to-end incident management solutions that help businesses quickly resolve issues and minimize downtime.

PagerDuty has a well-defined technology roadmap focusing on three core areas: reliability, efficiency, and innovation. In addition, the company's roadmap outlines specific initiatives and timelines for achieving these goals, such as implementing automated incident response, improving system performance and scalability, and expanding the platform's capabilities through AI and machine learning.

By following its technology roadmap, PagerDuty has achieved significant results, including improved reliability and efficiency and increased innovation. As a result, the company has reduced the average time to resolve incidents by 60%, resulting in improved uptime for their users. PagerDuty has also expanded its platform's capabilities by launching its Event Intelligence solution that leverages machine learning to automate incident triage and resolution. These achievements have enabled PagerDuty to stay ahead of the competition and maintain its position as a leading digital operations management solutions provider.


Twilio is a cloud communication platform that provides APIs for businesses to add messaging, voice, and video to their applications. The platform enables businesses to engage with users and enhance their communication capabilities.

Twilio's technology roadmap focuses on innovation, scalability, and security. The company has established clear goals and initiatives for achieving these objectives, such as expanding its platform's capabilities, improving system performance and scalability, and enhancing its security measures.

By following its technology roadmap, Twilio has achieved significant results, such as expanded platform capabilities and improved system scalability. The company has added new products and features to its platform, such as its Twilio Flex contact center solution and Programmable Video API.

Twilio has also improved its system performance and scalability, enabling it to handle high traffic volumes and provide reliable service to its users. Additionally, Twilio has made significant investments in security, including achieving SOC 2 Type 2 compliance and implementing advanced threat detection and response capabilities. These achievements have enabled Twilio to grow its business and become a cloud communication platform market leader.


Zscaler is a cloud-based security company that provides various solutions to protect businesses from cyber threats. The company's platform offers secure access to the internet and cloud applications while also providing advanced threat detection and response capabilities.

Zscaler's technology roadmap focuses on innovation, scalability, and security. In addition, the company's roadmap outlines specific initiatives and timelines for achieving these goals, such as enhancing its security capabilities, expanding its cloud infrastructure, and improving its user experience.

By following its technology roadmap, Zscaler has achieved significant results, including improved security and scalability and enhanced user experience. The company has expanded its cloud infrastructure, enabling it to handle high traffic volumes and provide reliable service to its users.

Zscaler has also enhanced its security capabilities by launching its Advanced Cloud Sandbox solution that leverages machine learning to detect and respond to advanced threats. Additionally, Zscaler has improved its user experience, including introducing new features that simplify its platform and enable businesses to easily manage their security needs. These achievements have enabled Zscaler to become a leading provider of cloud-based security solutions and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Best Practices for Creating a Technology Roadmap

Creating a technology roadmap can be complex, but following best practices can help ensure its success. Below are four best practices for creating a technology roadmap:

Defining your goals and objectives

Defining your business's goals and objectives is the first step in creating a technology roadmap. This is because technology investments must align with your overall business strategy and vision to be successful. With a clear understanding of your business's goals and objectives, your technology roadmap may address your organization's most critical needs, resulting in wasted resources and missed opportunities.

When defining your goals and objectives, it's essential to consider both short-term and long-term business objectives. Short-term goals include improving process efficiency, reducing costs, or increasing user satisfaction. Long-term goals include expanding into new markets, launching new products or services, or improving the user experience.

Defining your goals and objectives will also help you identify the critical technology areas that need to be prioritized. For example, suppose one of your business goals is to improve user satisfaction. In that case, you may recognize areas such as user service, product delivery, or online experience as technology areas that need to be prioritized. By identifying these areas early on, you can create a technology roadmap focusing on your business's most critical technology investments.

Identifying the technologies needed to achieve those goals

After defining your business goals and objectives, the next step is to identify the technologies needed to achieve those goals. This involves evaluating the existing technologies that you currently have and determining whether they are sufficient to meet your needs. Also, researching new technologies relevant to your business is essential. This can help you identify new tools, software, and hardware that can help you to achieve your goals more effectively and efficiently.

When selecting technologies, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. First, scalability is a critical factor to consider. Choosing technologies that can grow and adapt as your business evolves over time is important. This will help you avoid costly technology migrations down the road.

Second, security is also a critical factor to consider. Your technology investments should be secure to protect your business data and intellectual property. It is important to select technologies with built-in security features that are updated regularly to address new security threats.

Finally, cost-effectiveness is also an important consideration when selecting technologies. It would be best if you chose technologies that can deliver the most value for your investment. This means evaluating the cost of ownership, including factors such as maintenance, support, and licensing fees.

Establishing a timeline and milestones

After identifying the technologies needed to achieve your business goals, the next step is establishing a timeline and milestones for your technology roadmap. This process involves setting specific deadlines for each technology initiative and establishing milestones to track progress. Creating a timeline and milestones is essential because it helps ensure that your technology investments stay on track and align with your overall business timeline and goals.

When establishing a timeline, it's essential to consider the complexity of each technology initiative and how long it will take to complete. This will help you to set realistic deadlines and avoid overcommitting or underdelivering. It's also important to consider any dependencies between initiatives, as delays in one industry can affect the overall timeline of your technology roadmap.

In addition to setting deadlines, it's important to establish milestones to track progress. Milestones are key events or deliverables marking a phase or task completion. Establishing milestones helps you monitor your technology initiatives' progress and make adjustments as necessary.

Milestones can be based on specific dates or deliverables. For example, a milestone could be the completion of a particular feature or the launch of a new product. Milestones should be established at key intervals throughout the technology roadmap to ensure that progress is being made toward achieving your business goals.

Regularly reviewing and updating the roadmap

Regularly reviewing and updating your technology roadmap is a critical best practice for ensuring that your technology investments remain relevant and practical. As your business goals and objectives evolve, it's crucial to re-evaluate your technology investments and make adjustments as necessary. This involves revising initiatives, updating timelines, and re-evaluating technology investments to ensure they align with your business's current needs and priorities.

One of the critical benefits of regularly reviewing and updating your technology roadmap is that it helps you stay agile and responsive to changing business conditions. You can adapt quickly to changing market conditions and maintain a competitive edge by staying up-to-date with the latest trends and emerging technologies.

Regularly reviewing and updating your technology roadmap helps you identify and address potential roadblocks and challenges that may arise along the way. This can help you avoid costly delays and ensure that your technology initiatives remain on track.

To ensure that your technology roadmap remains relevant and practical, it's important to schedule regular reviews at crucial intervals, such as quarterly or bi-annually. During these reviews, evaluate each initiative and re-assess its alignment with your business goals and objectives. You should also update timelines and milestones to ensure they remain realistic and achievable.

Why is the Best Choice is a powerful technology roadmap tool that helps organizations create and implement successful technology roadmaps. It offers a range of features and capabilities that enable businesses to define their goals and objectives, identify the technologies needed to achieve them, establish a timeline and milestones, and regularly review and update their technology roadmap. In addition, Zeda's user-friendly interface and powerful analytics tools make tracking progress easy, identifying roadblocks and challenges, and adjusting technology roadmap as needed.

Comparison to other technology roadmap tools

While there are other technology roadmap tools on the market, Zeda stands out for its intuitive user interface, powerful analytics tools, and comprehensive feature set. Zeda's capabilities go beyond simple timeline and milestone tracking with features like cost analysis, risk management, and stakeholder management. Additionally, Zeda's cloud-based platform makes it easy to collaborate with team members and stakeholders in real time.

Proven Success has a proven track record of helping businesses create and implement successful technology roadmaps. Clients have reported significant improvements in project visibility, stakeholder engagement, and success rates. In addition, has been praised for its ease of use, powerful analytics tools, and responsive user support.

Create and implement a successful technology roadmap

By leveraging Zeda's comprehensive feature set, your organization can create and implement a successful technology roadmap that aligns with your business goals and objectives. Zeda's user-friendly interface and powerful analytics tools make tracking progress easy, identifying potential roadblocks and challenges, and adjusting your technology roadmap as needed.

With, your team can collaborate in real time, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, Zeda can help you achieve your technology roadmap goals and drive success for your organization.


Creating a successful technology roadmap is critical to the success of any organization. By defining clear goals and objectives, identifying the right technologies, and establishing a timeline and milestones, businesses can ensure that their technology investments align with their overall strategy and vision. Regularly reviewing and updating the technology roadmap is also essential to ensure that it remains aligned with evolving business goals and objectives. 

Zeda is an excellent tool to help organizations create and implement successful technology roadmaps. With its comprehensive feature set, user-friendly interface, powerful analytics tools, and real-time collaboration capabilities, Zeda stands out as a top choice for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging the capabilities of Zeda, companies can achieve their technology roadmap goals and drive success for their organization.

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