Product Management

Product Updates - September 2022

Lead Product Marketer

Swathika Mahalakshmi

Created on:

January 11, 2024

Updated on:

February 2, 2023

3 mins read

Product Updates - September 2022

We built keeping in mind exactly what a Product Manager would require to launch great products. Our user interface, features, and the platform as a whole keep evolving to cater to your needs better. What makes us even happier is that most of our feature improvements happened because of genuine feedback from our customers.

In this blog, we are super excited to share two new updates from the month of September that will make your work a whole lot easier as a Product Manager. Let’s take a look at what’s new:

Simplified signup process

Signing up to a new workspace on is quick, simple, and straightforward now.Whether you are adding a new workspace to your account or you are just onboarding in and starting your workspace afresh, your next immediate step is to invite users. And we observed that manually inviting each and every user to the workspace becomes a hassle for org admins over time given the ideal situation where your team’s count keeps increasing by day. This also raises a few friction points in the process such as invite link expiry, sending re-invites, extra accountability for the admin to keep checking if the users have joined workspace or not and so on.

In order to help our customers avoid these dependencies and speed up this process, we have introduced a simplified signup process and let’s look at how it works for both parties.

1. If you are an admin, you can simply mention your domain under the desired workspace and anyone with the defined domain can join your workspace as a collaborator. For example, you are the head of product management at ZaaS, a marketing automation platform and you want to have two workspaces for ZaaS —ZaaS for enterprises and ZaaS for startups, meaning each of these products have features specially designed for the business size and model. lets you add your new workspace and define your domain name, say ZaaS for Startups is your workspace name and is your domain. You can define them on and allow your stakeholders to join the respective workspace as collaborators. From now on, all your stakeholders can directly access and join the workspace as collaborators. Here is an image that makes you understand it better.

2. Whenever a user tries to log in to for the first time, all the workspaces created for ZaaS will be shown to them and they can choose the product workspace they will be working on and start collaborating on their projects.

Quickly accessible side navigation bar

Earlier our navigation bar had main modules on the outside under which the sub modules were listed. This makes it an extra click for you to access features and now we have revamped our navigation menu and you can quickly choose your favourite and frequently used modules without any additional steps. This also gives you a smooth user experience. We want to make your journey with us seamless and we believe even a minor update like this in the product will contribute to us getting there.

Introducing comments in feature

Your features module is a lot more interactive now! We now make collaboration with your team even nicer by letting you comment your opinions and suggestions right from a feature’s dashboard. Your team members can react to comments, reply to comments and pin the important ones making it easy for your entire team to present their feedback right away, reduce iterations, save time, and ship features faster.

Try out these new updates!

We hope you liked our updates today. If you have any comments or feedback, feel free to share them here. Don’t forget to watch this space for more interesting product management tips and tricks that will help you build impactful products.

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