Product Management

Meet, the super app for product teams!

Ritishka Chauhan

Created on:

January 11, 2024

Updated on:

October 25, 2023

5 mins read

Meet, the super app for product teams!

“We can ship this feature out in 3 days” said no Product Manager ever. We understand that developing a feature or product is a tedious and time-consuming affair.

On a typical week, you start by collecting all your stakeholder feedback from different communication channels. Then you would document them on either Notion or Google docs, decide which feedback to prioritize and act on based on different frameworks and resources, ideate the solutions and finally communicate everything with the design, development and business teams.

Oof! Sounds cumbersome, right? That’s why we built Just like how designers have Figma and marketers have Hubspot, we wanted Product teams to have a feature-packed super app to streamline their processes in one place, make better product decisions and in turn build simpler and smarter products.

✨ is now live on Product Hunt!

After an intense year of building, rebuilding and working with 6000 plus PMs around the world, we’re super stoked to announce that is live on Product Hunt today! It would mean a lot if you could try our product, and let us know your feedback.

Meet, the super app for product teams!

Here’s how can help you build your next great product:

1. Collect

Listening to your customers and other stakeholders is the first step to creating a wonderful product. But you know what would be more amazing? If you could access all your customer feedback in place. Features under Collect were built to bring together feedback that are spread across different communication channels into one dashboard.

- Customer portal
Your one-stop portal to interact with all your customers, receive feature requests, communicate the company's roadmap and announce your product’s latest updates. Customers can comment and upvote on posted requests helping you understand which features are highly-requested. Think of it like your product’s own community.

- In-app widget
Pictures speak a thousand words and that’s why we believe in visual feedback. With the in-app widget, your customers can include annotated screenshots and screen recordings when sharing feedback with your product team directly.

- Integrations with everyday tools
With a single click, your customers and stakeholders can share feedback with your product team directly – all without leaving their everyday tools like Slack, Zendesk, Hubspot and more.

- The direct link with developers
Now that you’ve collected customer insights, and decided what to prioritize, the next step is to communicate them with the engineering team so they can start working on making them live. With Jira integration, you can directly push features to the Jira board from your workspace, and create Epics, Issues, Tasks or Bugs in the linked Jira board. The best part? Changes to Jira tickets get automatically updated to the linked features.

2. Analyze

Now that you’ve collected all the feedback, how do you decide which ones to work on, and which ones can take a back seat for now? Features under the Analyze bucket were built to help you study the collected feedback and decide the action items to be included in your next quarter’s roadmap.

- Product research
As a Product Manager, you know how important customer feedback is. It gives you answers to questions like “Are users reaping the full benefit of the product?” “Is there scope for improvement?” “Will there be another Avengers movie?” (Kidding)…and a lot more.

Unfortunately, such multiple feedback does not answer the million-dollar question. “Which feedback to turn into a feature?”. That’s why we built’s Product Research feature to help you confidently decide and validate which feedback to translate into a feature and which ones not to act on.

From’s feedback dashboard, you can send a quick email to your customers to understand their pain points and criticality regarding specific feedback. Our pre-designed email template also makes it easier for you to send the ideal product research email in just a few clicks.

Read more about Product Research here.

- Automated insights
With multiple incoming requests, you don’t have to sweat it out to understand each one of them.’s insights and analytics will automatically study it for you to give you a holistic overview of the most asked requests and the pain points behind them.

- Map your feedback
Yay! You’ve now decided which feedback to work on. It’s important for Product teams to keep in mind the user’s pain points while building a new feature. But it’s not easy to keep going back and forth checking on the feedback everytime you want some clarification. helps you solve this by letting you align the feedback to an existing feature.

3.  Plan

When you’re lost in the thick of juggling multiple tasks, it can be easy to lose sight of the outcomes in pursuit of shiny new initiatives. With, quickly outline your product’s success, get your team on board, keep track of progress, and most importantly, prioritize with ease. Make your product planning a process of continual learning and iteration to achieve your identified outcomes.

- Live Roadmap
When we talk about Product Management, we cannot forget about the importance of a roadmap. While it's common for the roadmap to show what you’re building, it’s just as important to show why. With’s live roadmap feature, customize roadmaps for individual needs, add milestones along the roadmap or simply play around with different views available. You can also combine the individual roadmaps for each feature or create multiple roadmaps for different stakeholders!

- Goals & Initiatives
Product Goals translate the product vision into clear, measurable objectives while Product Initiatives combine key tasks and features into projects designed to achieve your product goals. helps you define clear goals and initiatives while allowing you to link features to initiatives, add a check-in progress of your task, and easily filter or search through multiple goals set by different teams. It’s that simple!  

- Prioritize
As a product manager, you’re always making decisions and trade-offs, because while ideas are unlimited, your time and resources are not. A natural question then arises: How does Zeda help me prioritize? comes with a customized prioritization framework that allows you to set your own metrics to come into play (not to mention the already built-in RICE framework, among others). Pretty cool, right? Own your decision-making process and be the master of your art!

4. Execute

Best positioned as orchestrators, Product Managers need to make sure engineers, designers, and business teams, are all part of the band, and keep playing it in fine tune. Seems like a lot? Not anymore. With, minimize mundane manual work, streamline collaboration and make the execution so much easier.

- Features’s features dashboard, lets you collect and track the progress, details, and priorities of all your features in a single place. It is important to have a consistent, repeatable method for defining and describing features so you can tie each one back to a key business objective. allows you to break user stories into Epic, Stories, Tasks, and Bugs which are synced to stakeholder requests and Product Goals.

- Product Space
Organize everything from concepts to documentation, designs, and analytics in a single place and collaborate with other teams with easy-to-manage kanban boards (pretty sure Monica will be super impressed!). This is your go-to library for everything you need.

- Documentation
Tired of writing PRDs, personas, and competitive research blogs? is here to your rescue. Our built-in template library lets you choose from tons of templates without having to spare your bandwidth on formatting documents. You can also share the documents outside your workspace to keep all the stakeholders aware of the progress. Set your documentation in some other tool? Migrate it right away with just a click of a button. Want to map features or products to a document? You’re at the right place.

- Announce updates
Now that we’re ready with the product update, it’s time to announce the win! Go all in with’s announcement update feature. Notify your stakeholders by dropping your updates right to their inboxes, be it Slack, Email, Teams, Widget, or Portal, we’ve got you covered! is now live on Product Hunt, and we can’t hold our horses. We started building with the community, and we will continue doing so. Do help us become the go-to tool for product teams by continuing to give us your value-added feedback.

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