Zeda Updates
Data Migration Made Easy: Improved CSV Import by Zeda.io
Product Marketer
Riya Handique
Created on:
January 11, 2024
Updated on:
December 1, 2023
3 mins read
Picture this — It's 2010, and you're utilizing a certain system for collecting feedback and feature ideas. Suddenly, higher-ups drop the news that it's time to transition to the all-new Zeda.io. But there's a catch—you've got an existing backlog of feature requests, ideas, and feedback neatly organized in good old Google Sheets. So, what's the solution?
Enters CSV import. Almost every system allows you to download data as CSV today, and the beauty of it is that Zeda.io seamlessly handles this import process.
What is the CSV Import update about? 🤔
If your team's been collecting feedback on their own, our spiffed-up CSV import update aims to bring all that research and feedback from your spreadsheets into Zeda.io, with ease. Major highlights that you don’t want to miss out-
1. Module-specific CSV Import - It can be your feedback, customer or feature ideas list. Now, CSV import works for it all in Zeda.io, be it — a) Importing feedback b) Importing features c) Importing companies & contacts. Each module will have a tailored set of import fields.

2. Mandatory vs. Optional Fields Made Clear - Gain a clear understanding of which fields are a must and which are optional. For instance, in the Feedback module of Zeda.io, consider the Title and Description fields as mandatory while fields like tags, type, or creator name will fall into the optional category, giving you the flexibility to choose.

3. Super Easy Column Mapping - Mapping columns to appropriate fields in Zeda.io is now a breeze. You can achieve this with a single click and even create custom fields for your existing CSV columns. And that’s not it - the latest update also lets you view your CSV data for reference during the import process.

The goal? We’re here to make sure you import all the nitty-gritty details accurately into the feedback dashboard from your CSV file.
4. Didn't Import Everything? No Problem! Get a detailed email report if things don't go 100% smoothly. It tells you which rows (and how many) didn't make it, why they didn't, and how to fix them for a successful do-over. Address data quality concerns with ease without any fear of duplicate imports.

In a nutshell, we've got your back 🙌🏼
Zeda.io's enhanced CSV import aims to simplify your data migration journey. Whether you're bringing in a backlog of feedback, feature requests, or customer data, we've fine-tuned the process to make it as seamless as possible.
Don't let historical data be a hurdle – join Zeda.io today and experience the ease of migrating your information effortlessly.
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