Product Management

Top 7 AI Product Management Books

Content Writer

Athira V S

Created on:

February 14, 2024

Updated on:

February 14, 2024

4 mins read

Top 7 AI Product Management Books

You're a product manager interested in how AI is changing the game. The rise of AI is transforming entire industries, and you need to stay on top of it to do your job well. But with new books coming out all the time, how do you know which ones to read? Don't worry, we've got you covered. We scoured the latest AI product management books and picked the top 7 must-reads.

These books will bring you up to speed on how AI is impacting product development, data science, design, and strategy. Written by experts in the field, they break down complex topics into understandable and actionable advice. Read on for the best AI product management books that will take your skills to the next level. Whether you're just getting started with AI or looking to go deeper, you'll find books here that fit your needs. Get ready to dive into the the best AI Product Management Books!

Best AI Product Management Books for Technical Product Managers

If you want to level up your AI product management skills, these books are must-reads.

The AI Organization

"The AI Organization: Learn from Real Companies and Microsoft’s Journey How to Redefine Your Organization with AI" is a comprehensive ai product management book that explores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in the business world. Authored by David Carmona, who brings over two decades of experience in the technology industry, the book is a valuable resource for understanding how AI can revolutionize various aspects of a business.

Human + Machine

Human + Machine by Paul Daugherty and H. James Wilson provides useful frameworks for leaders looking to collaborate human and AI labor. The authors analyze companies achieving the most success with AI and provide best practices for "combining the power of human judgment and AI algorithms." Filled with real-world examples, this book will help you reimagine business processes and build partnerships between people and AI.

The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World

The Master Algorithm by Explores the search for a 'master algorithm' - a universal learner capable of deriving all knowledge from data. Domingos discusses the potential of machine learning to revolutionize various sectors​

Top AI Books for Non-Technical Product Managers

As a product manager, staying on top of trends in AI is crucial, even if you don’t have a technical background. The following books provide an accessible introduction to AI concepts and applications without complex math or coding.

Data Science for Business

Data Science for Business by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett. This AI product management book demystifies data mining and analytics for non-technical readers. It covers fundamental techniques like classification, regression, clustering, and dimension reduction in a straightforward way. Real-world case studies show how businesses are applying AI and the impact it’s having.

The AI Playbook

"The AI Playbook: Mastering the Rare Art of Machine Learning Deployment" by Eric Siegel is a comprehensive guide on deploying machine learning projects. It's an important read for those involved in AI and machine learning, particularly focusing on the practical aspects of implementing these technologies in business operations.

Artificial Intelligence Basics

Artificial Intelligence Basics by Tom Taulli offers a concise introduction to AI in an easy-to-read manner. It covers the basics around machine learning, neural networks, computer vision, robotics, and more. The book provides many examples and analogies to help explain complex topics in a simple way. It also discusses the future of AI and how various industries can leverage this technology. For a quick overview of AI, this book is highly recommended.

Competing in the Age of AI

Competing in the Age of AI: Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World by Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani is a highly recommended book on strategy and leadership in the AI era. It provides frameworks and approaches for competing and innovating in a world dominated by data, algorithms, and AI. The authors discuss how to redesign business models, organizational structures, and strategic planning processes to take full advantage of advanced AI technologies.

To stay ahead of the curve, product managers should understand AI fundamentals and applications. While AI is a fast-moving field, these resources offer a broad and timeless overview of key concepts and trends.

We would also recommend you to read our blog on Must-Read Books for Product Managers


And there you have it - our top 7 picks for the best AI product management books to help level up your skills and career. With so many great options out there, it can be tricky deciding where to start. But hopefully this list gives you a solid foundation of the classics along with some of the latest game-changers. Just pick one that speaks to you and dive in! Remember, reading is just the beginning - be sure to apply what you learn to real projects and products. Knowledge is power, but only if put into action. Now get out there, innovate like crazy, and show the world what savvy product managers empowered by AI can accomplish! The future is yours to shape.

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